Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Good Morning!  I have Catmint( Nepeta mussinii) on the brain this morning. Catmints in the Chicago area are starting to bloom.  I love Catmint.  It flowers it heart out all season if you cut it back throughout the Summer. It's gray foliage breaks up all the green in the garden and Deer & Bunnies don't like it because it has a strong mint scent. 

This week I have seen a lot of Catmint that are falling apart at the center.  This means you need to divide your Catmint.  When you divide a perennial, the best way to get a successful division is to first cutback all the existing foliage.  Then take your spade-make sure it's sharp, and split it.  The reason you want to cut the plant back is that you don't want the divided perennial to try and maintain the existing foliage, which is what it will try to do if you don't cut it back.  Cutting it back lets the perennial put it's energy into growing new roots to get established after division.  So if your Catmint is falling apart from the center get out there and divide it!   And don't forget to water it everyday!  Remember it has no roots set because you just split it!
Good Luck and Happy Gardening

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