Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Good Morning!  A lot of people ask me why they can't seem to grow Hollyhocks.  " They never come back in my yard!"  is a lament I often hear.  Well, the reason they don't come back every year is that they are not perennials but biennials.  That means that they have a two year life cycle.  The first year they put on vegetative growth only.  Meaning they only grow leaves and don't flower the first year.  The second year they will flower and put out seed.  So here's your tip of the day.  To grow biennials successfully purchase a plant in flower and a plant not in flowers.  Here in Chicago,  most nursery's will grow one gallon pots that are second year plants and four inch potted containers that are first year plants.  Buy a couple of each as well as a packet of seeds.  Plant them all in the same area and it will give the appearance of your Hollyhocks being perennials.   This is true of course of other biennials such as Sweet William and Dame's Rocket. 
Good Luck & Happy Gardening!

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