The Spring Snow is already gone and a memory. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing and Spring is Springing up everywhere!
Make sure to take the leaf/mulch cover off of your bulbs as they push up.
It's also a good time to cut back your Hydrangea arborascens( Annabelles, White Dome, Limelight) Roses, and Clematis.
A quick sidebar on Clematis. A lot of people will tell you that you should only cut back certain varieties of Clematis. I have been gardening for over 30 years now and I can tell you it doesn't matter what variety of Clematis you have, cut them back, they will grow and they will flower. I base my decision on whether or not to cut my Clematis back based on how crappy the old vine looks. Fear not if the vine is budded, if you think it looks like crap, cut it back and let it regrow.
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