Sunday, February 28, 2010

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Well, with the Patient assistance of my Technical Adviser I have added a header and a slide show to Pardon My Garden today. Just looking at pictures of gardens makes me happy. I hope it makes you happy too!
Well Pardon My Garden it's under six inches of Snow
It' start's to melt slowly away but never quite goes
So Pardon My Garden it's still frozen over
and covered in white
my Garden is still sleeping
through the long Winter's night
So Pardon My Garden
while I wait for the Snow
to go on it's merry way
so that I can Garden and play

Friday, February 26, 2010

Well alrighty then! Welcome to Pardon My Garden. I have been gardening almost my entire life and have accumulated a lot of garden fodder to share with my fellow gardeners. I am not exactly the most computer savvy person, so it might take me sometime to figure out how to share some of the pictures and links etc that I want to share. I do have a Facebook Page called My Gardener. Feel free to check it out. I have managed to get some pictures up there to share.

Here's a small sampling of the things I want to share as soon as I get this blogging thing figured out.

My Garden Philosophy. It's simple really. Think like a plant. I of course will expand on that as time goes on and I get my blogging bearings.

Theme personal Favorite is The Rock and Roll Garden....I know you're dying to know what that's all about.

Dog Proof Gardens. It is possible. I have a big dog, use to have two( RIP Banjo) that are VERY active in my garden.

What not to plant. There's a bunch of things out there that you DON'T want no matter what the garden catalog says.

Never trust a newly hybridized plant introduction.

Pardon My Garden

Pardon My Garden
it's a mess right now
there's so much to do
I'll get it done somehow
shovel in one hand
beer in the other
being a Gardener is a job
I love more than any other
So Pardon My Garden
at the moment it's not tidy & neat
but I'll rake out the crap
and you will see in a week
My Garden will no longer need to be Pardoned